Hi, I'm Isaiah!

I'm a creative filmmaker & photographer, a strong leader, and a proud weirdo.

Check out things I've done

About Me

Hey. Thanks for stopping by! I'm Isaiah Firestone, a 15-year-old student at the Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts. I love to make creative films & do some photography on the side, and am a lover of math, silly socks, and above all, cats. I'm a strong leader, a creative thinker, and a curious person who's always ready to take on something new.

Things I've Done:

Putnam News

Made-up news, delivered inconsistently.

Watch some silly news

Wheel Of Kindness

Making donating to organizations fun!

Check it out

School Film Projects:


Video Editing
Problem Solving

Contact Me

Have a question or just want to say hi? Send me a message below!